Misc Changelog


May 20, 2024

Official Petal Figma UI kit released 🎉

Official Petal Figma UI kit released We’ve released an official Figma UI kit for Petal. This kit includes all the open source and pro components you need to design your app in Figma.

Download the Figma UI kit

Apr 9, 2024

Petal Pro 1.8 released with JSON API, Collapsible Sidebar, Expanded User & Org Admin

petal pro 1.8 released This version we’ve focused on a few key features, fixes and updates:

  • Update: Can sync all Stripe subscriptions including cancelled ones
  • Added expanded user and org admin pages
  • Fixed: PetalProWeb.Controllers.UserAuth.disconnect_user_liveviews doesn’t disconnect the user’s live views
  • Fixed: Passwordless sign in issue from latest Phoenix Live View fixed
  • Update: Sidebar layout now collapsible


You can use the Petal Pro API for user management (register, sign in and update). It comes with OpenAPI support out of the box. Includes Swagger UI.

You can read more about it here.

Collapsible sidebar

We’ve modified the sidebar so that you can pull out or tuck it away so that your visitors can zero in on what they’re really there for, without the menu getting in the way.

Expanded user and org admin pages

We’ve added user and org admin pages to make things easier to manage and maintain from behind the scenes.

What’s coming up?

We’ll be powering forward with the user requested features in the roadmap.

  • Admin dashboard with graphs/stats
  • Persistent Notifications Management

If you have any feature requests for an upcoming release, please create one on our roadmap.

View the docs or check out the Petal Pro demo here.

Jan 30, 2024

Petal Pro 1.7 released with Stripe Billing support

petal pro 1.7 released This version we’ve focused on a few key features and enhancements:

  • Stripe integration - can buy subscriptions and manage them - support for both individuals and orgs
  • Use styler for code formatting
  • Redesigned landing page components for a more modern look and feel

stripe billing

Stripe integration

This is the big one. “Finally!” (Some of you say) …and we don’t blame you either. Stripe was a big piece, that for a long time, we were unsure of how to implement to our standards. We wanted it to be robust, but remain flexible and also have the ability to add other payment provider methods later on (e.g Paddle), should we go in that direction.

You can check out the demo here.

redesigned landing page

Redesigned landing page

While the previous Petal Pro landing page was a great starting point, we felt like it didn’t quite live up to our expectations of a streamlined, slick and modern looking page.

We took influence from some of the best landing pages out there and this is our attempt at something that is consistent with the previous gen, but adds some flare and hopefully gives you something that will impress your customers and clients.

What’s coming up?

With Petal Framework converted to a package, we think we have a good structure to really power forward with the user requested features in the roadmap.

  • Admin dashboard with graphs/stats
  • Augment user and orgs admin with more functionality

If you have any feature requests for an upcoming release, please create one on our roadmap.

View the docs.

Sep 25, 2023

Vertical Menu

Vertical Menu is super useful for main layout sidebar’s and supports nested menu items, grouped menu items and live patching!

vertical menu

<div class="w-96">
    title="Main menu"
        name: :home,
        label: "Home",
        path: ~p"/",
        icon: :home
        name: :data,
        label: "Data",
        path: ~p"/",
        icon: :circle_stack,
        menu_items: [
            name: :data,
            label: "Archived",
            path: ~p"/",
            icon: :archive_box
            name: :data,
            label: "Downloads",
            path: ~p"/",
            icon: :arrow_down_on_square_stack
        name: :tools,
        label: "Tools",
        path: ~p"/",
        icon: :wrench

View the docs.

Jul 16, 2023

Required field asterisks

Fields with the required attr set to true will now show an asterisk.

<.field type="text" required ... />
<.field type="select" ... />

field with an asterisk

View the docs.

Jul 04, 2023

Petal Pro 1.6.0 relase 🎉

Petal Pro 1.6.0> component

This version we’ve focused on a few key features:

  • <.image_upload> component for uploading single images like avatars. Used in user settings
  • Local, Cloudinary and S3 support for <.image_upload>
  • User Impersonation

<.image_upload> component

<.image_upload> component

You can now implement user avatars and store them locally or on S3/Cloudinary (cloudinary.com). We recommend using Cloudinary as your storage service as it allows you to resize/modify images simply by altering the URL. This means you don’t need to use a tool like ImageMagick to resize/crop/compress your images

User impersonation

User impersonation

Admins can login as any user without knowing their password - available via the Admin console (under the User menu).

What’s changed?

  • All forms now use the new FormField structure
  • <.public_layout> has been moved into public.html.heex (it’s likely you’ll want to modify this to your brand and hence a component doesn’t make sense)

What’s fixed?

  • Reset password page now accessible when logged in (previously would redirect)

For a quick overview on upgrading from a previous version, please refer to this guide.

What’s coming up?

  • Stripe membership functionality
  • Admin dashboard with graphs/stats
  • Feature Requests

If you have any feature requests for an upcoming release, please create one on our roadmap.

View the docs.

Jul 04, 2023

Added <.image_upload> component to Petal Pro

You can now implement user avatars and store them locally or on S3/Cloudinary (cloudinary.com). We recommend using Cloudinary as your storage service as it allows you to resize/modify images simply by altering the URL. This means you don’t need to use a tool like ImageMagick to resize/crop/compress your images.

<.image_upload> component

View the docs.

Jul 04, 2023

Added User Impersonation to Petal Pro

Admins can login as any user without knowing their password - available via the Admin console (under the User menu).

User Impersonation

View the docs.

May 30, 2023

Added a new button color

The Light color is unique in that it is designed to subtly adapt to dark mode.

<.button color="light" label="Light" />

Light Button

View the docs.

May 21, 2023

Added a tooltip hook

Added docs for the Petal Framework tooltip solution. This uses Tippy.js via a hook.

  label="Has tooltip"
  data-tippy-content="Here is the tooltip"


View the docs.

May 9, 2023


A dynamic, stylish and feature-rich combo-box as a HEEX component..

<.form for={@form} phx-submit="on_submit">
    label="Pick your favourite fruit"
    placeholder="Select an option.."
    options={["Apple", "Banana", "Orange", "Pineapple", "Strawberry"]}
    help_text="Or add your own!"

Combo box

View the docs.

May 4, 2023

Forms V2

In Phoenix 1.7, forms were given a new data structure to optimize live view forms. We created a new <.field> component that uses this new structure.

<.form for={@form} phx-submit="on_submit">
  <.field field={@form[:title]} />

    options={[{"Draft", "draft"}, {"Published", "published"}]}

  <.button type="submit" label="Submit" />

View the docs.

April 22, 2023

Added a tooltip option to IconButton

We’ve added a new option to the <.icon_button> component to allow you to add a tooltip.

<.icon_button tooltip="Clock" size="xs">
  <Heroicons.clock solid />


View the docs.

April 21, 2023

Petal Pro 1.5.2 relase & Petal Framework is born

Petal Pro v1.5.2 has just dropped 🎉. This version we’ve focused on migrating common components and functionality into a separate library called “Petal Framework”.

Petal Framework

This will mean no more _petal_framework folders all over the place. It also means if we modify a component, you can pull in the changes easily.

It is a private package so you will need to set up your local hex to know where to find our private package. Check out the install guide for the command (it has your unique license key in it).

What’s changed in 1.5.2?

  • Uses the petal_framework private package (deletes all the _petal_framework folders). This will allow for an easier upgrade - process in the future, especially for components like the data table.
  • Data Table supports base_url_params. Keep custom query params when changing sort order.
  • Data Table is now self contained in the live view - code isn’t scattered across the model and context.
  • Added mix recode for code linting and refactoring
  • Use <.flash_group> to show flash messages (Petal Framework 0.3.0)
  • Enabled Wallaby tests by default (mix test)
  • Updated Tailwind to 3.3
  • Updated Erlang to 25.3
  • Added rename_project lib to replace custom mix task
  • Data table API has changed slightly. See our docs https://petal.build/components/data-table on how to use
  • Fixed Data table going blank when changing page size
  • Fixed Navigation problems for the Data Table when setting the default_limit via a schema file
  • Fixed Finch issue with email sending

How to buy

If you’re not a member already, you can purchase it here.

Prices: $299 USD for a single project $749 USD for unlimited projects $1999 USD for a team (unlimited projects) This gets you a years worth of upgrades. We subscribe you by default, but you can opt out at any time and keep your years worth of updates.

If you buy it and realise it isn’t for you, you can reach out to us for a refund within 7 days of purchase.

How to download

  1. Edit your project to be the latest Petal Pro version
  2. Click “Show” and you’ll see the download button.

February, 2023

Petal Components v1.0 is now available 🔥

…and the best news is that it now supports configurability! Hooray 🎉

Watch the demo video on this link or click the image below to see just how easy it is to change styles.

Can’t wait to see what cool new styles you come up with and be sure to share them with us!

Petal Components v1.0 - Configurability demo

Links 🔗

Petal Boilerplate project


Petal Components docs:


Referencing styles:


VScode Snippets





Component Requests

If you have any component requests, please create an issue on the Petal Components github repo.


If you’d like to help out we’ve got a Phoenix umbrella app that allows you to easily contribute to Petal Components (which is installed as a git submodule). If you create a new component then feel free to submit a PR. Ideally one from the roadmap but we’re open to any new components that would benefit others!

February, 2023

Petal Pro 1.5 with Phoenix 1.7 released

To download the new version you’ll need to create a new project or upgrade your existing project like in the gif below.

The big upgrade with 1.5.0 is the implementation of Phoenix 1.7 which has a number of distinct advantages you can read more about here.

How to download

We have a new layout - we hope you like it! We spent a lot of time fussing over it and have streamlined the experience to hopefully make it easier to manage projects and upgrades to new versions.

In the projects section under Petal Pro in the side menu, you’ll need to create a new project (if you haven’t already) or edit your existing project.

If creating a new project, it should automatically select 1.5.0 as the newest version, but to update your project from a previous version to 1.5.0, you’ll need to click Edit and change the version number from 1.x.x to 1.5.0 and hit save. Now you should be able to download 1.5.0.

Download Petal Pro 1.5.0

What’s changed?

  • Upgraded Phoenix to 1.7
  • Routes use the new verified routes
  • Authentication pages converted to live views
  • Upgraded fully from Hericons v1 to v2
  • petal.gen.live now uses the Data Table component
  • Tesla now uses the more secure Finch over Hackney
  • Confirmation page will redirect to org invitations if invitation exists
  • Removed Petal Enhance (it was more complex than we thought). We will write a separate blog on the reasoning behind this shortly.

What’s fixed?

  • Redirect to /app/orgs if an invalid org slug is used
  • When editing user via /admin/users - patch_back_to_index no longer crashes
  • Always show Data Table filters

For a quick overview on upgrading from a previous version, please refer to this guide..

January, 2023

Coming soon - Petal Pro with Phoenix 1.7

We are putting the final touches on Petal Pro with Phoenix 1.7. Petal Enhance will also be significantly improved and will work with ordinary Phoenix projects as well as Petal Pro.

November, 2022

Petal Enhance

The major bit of news this month is that we soft-launched Petal Enhance!

We’ll have some recipes available for free for both Petal Boilerplate and Petal Pro users so that everyone can benefit from this incredible tool. We know some of you have been checking it out already and we really think this is going to be a game-changer as it gives us the opportunity to build out a market place of functionality that can be pulled into any project without polluting the Petal Pro codebase. You can read more in depth about Petal Enhance and how it works on our blog.

Initially, four recipes will be available for free:

  • NPM package manager - app.js can import NPM packages. They will be stored in assets/node_modules.
  • UUID - Use UUIDs instead of sequential integers for IDs (all tables). Modifies migration files.
  • User first name & last name - Change user.name to user.first_name and user.last_name. Modifies migration files.
  • Remove orgs - Petal Pro 1.4 comes with orgs functionality. Sometimes you may not need this.

Petal Enhance Preview

October, 2022

Petal Pro

We’re excited to announce that we’ve upgraded Petal Pro to the new Declarative Assigns and boy does it look pretty! 🚀

New Declarative Assigns

We’ve also upgraded Heroicons to v2, however you can still use the old Heroicons by appending “V1”.

<HeroiconsV1.Solid.clock />

September, 2022

Petal Pro

We’ve implemented LiveView 0.18, which is a pretty huge and exciting update!! 🚀

LiveView 0.18

You can read all about the update here

Essentially the main features are:

  • Declarative Assigns and Slots
  • HEEx HTML Formatter
  • Accessibility
  • JS commands and hooks in dead views

We’re super excited to have implemented LiveView 0.18 into Petal Pro and can’t wait to see what this enables once Phoenix 1.7 is released.

August, 2022

Petal Pro

Some handly little updates this month! 🎉

Local time hook

Allows UTC dates and times to be shown in the user’s local timezone (using Javascript). Supports “time_ago” formatting (eg. “in 1 month”).

Local time hook

Use Docker for a local Postgres 🐳

If your system doesn’t have Postgres you can use docker-compose to run it in a container (saves you having to install it).

New recipe: NPM 👨‍🍳

We understand that some people need to use third-party Javascript libraries and prefer to use NPM to manage them over CDNs. This recipe will get you up and running with NPM quickly.

July, 2022

Petal Pro

You can watch the video of all updates here.

New components: Data Table & Route Tree 🧪

The route tree shows all of your routes in a simple format. You can also copy the route helper by clicking a row.

Route tree

The data table gives you a table view with sorting, filtering and pagination built in. The state is stored in the URL params.

Data table

Streamlined router

The router was a bit overwhelming so I’ve cut it down to just 92 lines. I split out some of the routes that don’t change as much into their own files (eg. auth, dev, auth routes).

Streamlined Router

Improved quality standards

I’ve added a new command mix quality. This runs three tasks:

  • mix coveralls to report your test coverage
  • mix credo to analyse your code and look for common problems
  • mix sobelow to look for potential security issues in your code

Ideally before you push your code you should run this command (along with mix format).

Content Security Policy

mix sobelow revealed to me that no Content Security Policy was being set by Phoenix. It is generally favourable to have these set to prevent XSS attacks.

Content Security Policy

You will see this in the router:

plug(:put_secure_browser_headers, %{
"content-security-policy" =>
struct(ContentSecurityPolicy.Policy, PetalPro.config(:content_security_policy))

Basically, in your config you need to whitelist any website you download assets from.

config :petal_pro, :content_security_policy, %{
default_src: [

Unfortunately Alpine JS needs “unsafe-eval” to work. Because of this I have a goal to eventually remove Alpine JS altogether. The A in PETAL will have to represent “and”. Or maybe “Ash” if we end up implementing their framework.

New JS hook helpers

  • Dead view compatible hooks

Sometimes you want hooks to run in dead views. For example, I may want to run my tooltip library “tippy” on the landing page, which is dead (not a live view). Normally hooks can only run in a live environment, however I made a small change in app.js to run dead view compatible hooks when the page loads. This is great for small hooks that don’t communicate with a live view and just do some DOM manipulations.

import loadExternalFile from "../lib/load-external-file";

const TippyHook = {
deadViewCompatible: true,
mounted() {
updated() {
run(el) {
]).then(() => {

export default TippyHook;
  • Dynamically load external libraries

As you can see in the “tippy” hook code above, I run a function loadExternalFile that takes an array of URLs. This will fetch the files, but cache them so they only get fetched once. Even if you have 100 tooltips on one page, these external files will only get loaded once.

This is great because we can now easily plug in any NPM library and start using it without a build system.

Using a build system (ESBuild) and creating a package.js file to host 3rd party libraries to me is less favourable. I like not having Node as a dependency - your web app is easier to install and just feels lighter.

  • Oban jobs table

Next up we have an Oban jobs table. This simply is a simple version of Oban Pro. You can see your jobs and retry or cancel jobs.

Oban Jobs

May, 2022

Petal Pro

Petal Pro v1.2.0 is now available to download for our subscribed members 👏

Social logins (Oauth2 SSO)

Social logins (Oauth2 SSO)

We’ve included Google & Github to get you started and make it super easy for you to enable login with any other OAuth provider you might want add to your app.

We’ve also included our very first Petal Pro component <.social_button> that produces beautiful social login buttons in two variants (“solid” and “outline”). Social button currently supports:

  • Google
  • Github
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Apple
  • Linkedin

Passwordless auth

Petal Pro guide

Users of your app can now register/sign in via a pin code sent to their email. It’s simple to enable or disable at any time.


CRUD interfaces

You can now optionally create an organization, invite & manage members, and more.

User lifecycle actions Run code after actions like register, sign_in, sign_out, password_reset, etc

New generator mix petal.gen.html (same args as phx.gen.html)

New component <.markdown content=””> & <.pretty_markdown content=””> (uses Tailwind Typography plugin)

Added License and Privacy pages Includes some content from a template to get you started

New layout <.layout type=”public”> For public marketing related pages like landing, about us, privacy, etc

Hooks can now be run in dead views if compatible (see color-scheme-hook.js as an example)

For a quick overview on upgrading from v1.1.0, please refer to this guide.