Components Copy Pro Components

Copy Pro Components

To use the Petal Pro components in another project, copy the pro_components folder and the pro_components.ex file:

Pro Components Folder

Then edit the web app file - in Petal Pro this file is called petal_pro_web.ex. If your project is called “Fred”, then the file will be called lib/fred_web/fred_web.ex.

Add use PetalProComponents to the html_helpers function:

          defmodule PetalProWeb do
  defp html_helpers do
    quote do
      # HTML escaping functionality
      # Core UI components and translation
      use PetalComponents
      use PetalProComponents # <--- Add this line here

      import PetalProWeb.CoreComponents
      import PetalProWeb.Gettext
      import PetalProWeb.Helpers
      import Phoenix.HTML

      # Shortcut for generating JS commands
      alias Phoenix.LiveView.JS

      # Routes generation with the ~p sigil


JavaScript Hooks

Components, such as the Combo-box rely on JavaScript Hooks. Make sure you copy the following hooks:

  • clear-flash-hook
  • color-scheme-hook
  • combo-box-hook
  • floating-hook
  • local-time-hook
  • tippy-hook

NPM Packages

The JavaScript Hooks in turn depend on NPM packages. Here’s are the packages used by the Pro components (from the package.json file):

  "dependencies": {
    "@floating-ui/dom": "^1.6.5",
    "tippy.js": "^6.3.7",
    "tom-select": "^2.3.1",
    "luxon": "^3.4.4",


Final Steps

Some Pro components require further steps for installation (e.g. the Combo-box component). Check out the documentation of each Pro component for further information.