Quickly scaffold a Petal CRUD interface, including a data table with pagination, sorting and filtering.

How to access
Access options
This comes with Petal Pro. Purchase a membership to get access to this package. It can be used with any Phoenix project. Post-expiration, you'll retain access but won't be eligible for updates from newer versions.
generator is a wrapper around
that uses Petal Components instead of the
default core components. Follow
the Phoenix docs for
to learn more.
The following will generate a Petal Table utilising Streams:
mix Blog Post posts title description:text published_at:datetime published:boolean
To generate the template with a Data Table add the --data-table
mix Blog Post posts title description:text published_at:datetime published:boolean --data-table
The petal.gen.html
generator is a wrapper around phx.gen.html
that uses Petal Components instead of the default core
components. Follow the Phoenix docs for phx.gen.html
learn more.
The following will generate a template with a Petal Table:
mix petal.gen.html Blog Post posts title description:text published_at:datetime published:boolean
Compatibility with Phoenix Generators
In Petal Pro, core_components.ex
has been adjusted to prevent compilation errors when templates have been generated
or phx.gen.html
However, there will be compiler warnings and runtime errors. The following is a list of common problems with suggested solutions.
Index page runtime error
If you visit the generated index.html.heex
page, you’ll see the following runtime error:
lists in Phoenix.HTML and templates may only contain integers representing bytes, binaries or other lists, got invalid entry:
%{__slot__: :action, inner_block: #Function<5.60914602/2 in PetalProWeb.PostLive.Index.render/1>}
This is because the Petal Table component does not support :action
Instead of using :action
<:action :let={{_id, post}}>
<div class="sr-only">
<.link navigate={~p"/posts/#{post}"}>Show</.link>
<.link patch={~p"/posts/#{post}/edit"}>Edit</.link>
Use :col
<:col :let={{_id, post}}>
<div class="sr-only">
<.link navigate={~p"/posts/#{post}"}>Show</.link>
<.link patch={~p"/posts/#{post}/edit"}>Edit</.link>
Form Component does not show error messages
The generated form_component.ex
won’t display error messages (e.g. when a required field has not been filled in). This
is because with Petal Components, you need to use .field
instead of .input
Instead of using .input
<.input field={@form[:title]} type="text" label="Title" />
Use .field
<.field field={@form[:title]} type="text" label="Title" />
Modal warning - undefined attribute “show”
To address the following compiler warning:
warning: undefined attribute "show" for component PetalComponents.Modal.modal/1
Remove the show
<.modal :if={@live_action == :edit} id="post-modal" show on_cancel={JS.patch(~p"/posts/#{@post}")}>
^ Remove this