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Monthly Wrap Up - September

The majority of this month we focused on implementing LiveView 0.18, which is a pretty huge and exciting update. We also hit 30,000 total Hex downloads of Petal Components & more!


2 years ago


  • Implemented LiveView 0.18 into Petal Pro
  • 30,000 total Hex downloads of Petal Components
  • Upgraded Petal Components to LiveView 0.18
  • Started updating Petal Components to the new Declarative Assigns
  • Petal Enhance introduction
  • Matt’s Petal Assist sessions still ongoing

Petal Pro

The majority of this month we focused on implementing LiveView 0.18, which is a pretty huge and exciting update!

LiveView 0.18

You can read all about the update here

Essentially the main features are:

  • Declarative Assigns and Slots
  • HEEx HTML Formatter
  • Accessibility
  • JS commands and hooks in dead views

Overall, we’re super excited to have implemented LiveView 0.18 into Petal Pro and can’t wait to see what this enables once Phoenix 1.7 is released. We should have this ready for release later this year, so stay tuned!

Other items we ticked off the list for Petal Pro this month include:


  • Upgrade to live view 18
  • Change from get_env to comple_env

Fixes and cleanup

  • Fix passwordless issue
  • docker-ignore-updates
  • ignore common paths in docker
  • fix_get_env_warning
  • Fix Dropdown Menu Background for Mobile
  • Fix iOS mobile scrolling up issue
  • Don’t assume prose sizing

Petal Components

Hex Downloads September

It’s not just good news on the Petal Pro front, we hit another great milestone - 30,000 total Hex downloads of Petal Components (which is open source and completely free to use in your projects if you weren’t aware). We also upgraded Petal Components to LiveView 0.18, which is also super exciting.

There were some other minor improvements and we’re looking into updating all of the components to the new Declarative Assigns and also considering how we can make make the components globally configurable/extendible. We know a lot of people are looking forward to this and we’ll be looking more into the best way to do this over the coming months to ensure that builders using Petal Components aren’t limited in any way. Our vision for Petal Components is to give Elixir/Phoenix builders a solid foundation of components to start with and to easily be able to customize them however they want from there.


  • Update to LiveView 0.18
  • Update elixir heroicons to 0.5.0
  • Bump credo from 1.6.6 to 1.6.7
  • Bump jason from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0
  • Add disabled classes for checkbox

Fixes and cleanup

  • Removed Heroicons modules and imported Hericons library
  • Fix accordion icon not animating when opening
  • Removed default height and width from HeroiconsV1
  • Fix background color for disabled fields in dark mode
  • Include heroicons_v1 by default
  • Icon button doesn’t need slot
  • Sometimes form is nil
  • Refactor get_path function
  • Rename .link to .a

Introducing… Petal Enhance

Petal Pro was always envisioned as a foundational boilerplate that could be applied to any new project, and this something that I think we’ve largely accomplished (barring some minor tweaks and updates).

We built the roadmap so that members could make suggestions for new functionality and members took advantage of this suggesting all kinds of terrific improvements/inclusions for upcoming releases. The issue we found was that how do we include all these features without polluting the base boilerplate. We brainstormed different ideas, but eventually landed on the concept of a recipe marketplace.

This way, we could keep Petal Pro pure and containing only the essentials, but give members a way to pull in additional functionality. And thus, Petal Enhance was born. We want to make this available not only to Petal Pro members, but also the wider ecosystem looking to create new Phoenix projects, so we plan to have some free recipes available as well as paid ones. Stay tuned as we plan to have this ready around Nov/Dec 2022.

The end

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